Fundraising: Much of the funds needed to support our International work will require to be provided by the Club’s fundraising activities. However, we also intend to have a BBQ in September 2017, with incoming President Roger Allen kindly offering his garden for this purpose. We will also have a cream tea at our home, summer 2017 and/or late spring 2018. Rotary
Shoeboxes: The Shoebox Evening will be on Tuesday 31 October 2017. Although of good quality the numbers of shoeboxes are down on past years and therefore we need to identify additional sources of supply, either primary schools or retirement homes.
Overseas Projects: We have looked at two possible areas of activity as follows: To link Rotaract with Seeds for Development, currently working in Northern Uganda and to build a small school extension. Alison Hall, Seeds for Development, is to speak with Richard Burnett of RC Westbourne. Kev Boyle will identify a project when he next visits Rwanda in September 2017, possibly a community centre for a number of uses, including Jaipur Limbs. Organisations potentially involved are; RYICO – Rwandan Youth Information Council, Gisimbu Aster School, I Am Able Foundation and Kuri Tumue. The above will require significant funds from the Club plus District or similar grants.

Other Overseas Charities also to be supported if possible: Disaster Boxes, Micro Credits, Life Straws, Mary’s Meals, Tools for Self Reliance and Seeds for Development. Rotary Club of Ancenis: Anticipated timing for our next visit to Ancenis will be mid May 2018, after the Toddlethon. David Hudson is in contact with Gordon Himsworth. The RC Ancenis are growing with many younger members.
We look forward to going again next year.