Many thanks to everyone who bought tickets for our latest GRAND RAFFLE in aid of the Poole-based charity Routes to Roots, which provides help and assistance for homeless people.
The raffle raised a total of £1829 (which includes a few miscellaneous donations).
Together with the £329 from at the Street Music event in Poole on Saturday 2 December, we will be passing over the Routes to Roots £2158 - which is a magnificent 22% up on the donation we were able to make last year.
We will be contacting prizewinners and arranging get the vouchers etc to you asap.
For information on the work of Routes to Roots, simply click on the logo below.
2017 prizes and prize winners
Registered under the Gambling Act 2005 with Poole Borough Council: LO4/352,
Promoter: Roger Allen, 27 Blake Hill Cres, Poole BH14 8QW
Rotary Club of Poole Bay. Registered Charity No: 1009997